Thursday, October 11, 2012

A big step forward for K to 12: HOR Education Committee approves enhanced Basic Education Act of 2012

The Committee on Basic Education and Culture approved today (October 10, 2012) the substitute bill on the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Through voting, 25 members voted for while two voted against the bill.
Committee members who voted for the bill were Representatives Ocampo, Castro, Banal, Sy-Alvarado, Agyao, Dalog, Tinga, Asilo, Castelo, Espina, Zamora, Balindong, (F) Gonzales, Evardone, Flores, (E) Magsaysay, Lacson-Noel, Teves, (R) Jalosjos, Briones, (M) Lagdameo, Batocabe, Piamonte, Gunigundo, and Noel.
Committee members who voted against the bill were Representatives Ilagan and Palatino.
“Today we stand as a Committee that supports the administration’s thrust to transform Basic Education in the Philippines. Not only are we providing funds to the Education budget, but also, we are fully supporting holistic improvement in the basic education sector through this bill,” said Rep. Ocampo, Chair of the Committee on Basic Education and Culture.
Secretary of Education Armin Luistro extends his gratitude to the legislators for their continuing support to this reform agenda.
“Its approval on the Committee level has given DepEd and our partners a big boost to all our efforts, not only to address shortages on basic inputs, but most especially to our needed long-term Education reforms. We are most grateful to the authors and supporters of the proposed bill in the House of Representatives, especially Rep. Sandy Ocampo, Committee Presiding Officer. We also thank Sen. Angara and his co-authors in the Senate for shepherding the bill,” he said.
There has been immense support for the K to 12 Basic Education program and broader education reform from various stakeholders. Chair Ocampo also cited the willingness of the private schools (HEIs) to make the necessary sacrifices and cooperate with the Department of Education to be able to help the government pursue this much-needed reform.
“There’s so much more to work on but these recent developments give DepEd and our partners’ great encouragement and great satisfaction in tasting the first fruits of the reform,” said Luistro.

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